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Frequently asked questions
What is edge grain? I'll do you one better. Why is edge grain?So, without getting into the nitty gritty about saw patterns and lumber milling, there are essentially three orientations for strips of wood to be assembled into cutting boards, butcher blocks, table tops, etc. 1) Face Grain Face grain is the widest "face" of a board and is usually where the beautiful grain patterns and color variations are most visible. Furniture almost exclusively prioritizes face grain and it is also very common for cutting boards. 2) Edge Grain Edge grain is the narrow sides of a wide board, and is primarily used for cutting boards because it is resistant to deep scratches from a knife and does not absorb moisture as readily as face grain or end grain. 3) End Grain End grain is the "ends" of a board. I know, real complicated stuff here. While the most durable of the three orientations of wood in a piece, it is also the most absorbant of moisture, thus it requires constant maintenance to keep a butcher block seasoned, or a hard protective coating when it's used in flooring. All three have their place, and all three make great cutting boards, but All Hazards Carpentry has chosen to primarily make edge grain boards because we feel they are the best of both worlds, durability and attractiveness. If you would like something different, however, we are more than happy to accommodate, as we have no dislike for face and end grain boards.
Do you have a physical store?Currently, All Hazards Carpentry is a home business and we do not have a store front or warehouse. If you have something specific you want us to create for you, reach out to us through our "Contact" page and we can make a plan together. We are also more than happy to do home installs and planning as well as personal deliveries in our local area.
What are your rates?It's hard to estimate how much a custom handmade piece will cost without any information, but if you give us the general idea of your project and your budget, we are more than happy to work with you to find a realistic and practical solution, if there is one. You can email us at or call us at 469.209.6515.
What are your hours?Since All Hazards Carpentry has neither a store front or a public business location, we don't keep specific hours. Generally speaking, we are available by phone 8:00AM-5:00PM, Monday-Saturday, and 12:30-5:00PM on Sundays. You are also more than welcome to email us at at any time and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
How long does a custom piece take?That entirely depends on what you want, and how you want it customized. If you're looking for something that's rushed and delivered in 2 days, then we're probably not a good fit. But, if you're looking for a quality, handmade piece of furniture or customized gift that's one of a kind, we would be happy to work with you and come up with a realistic timeline for your piece.
Do you have plans available for what you've built?We are currently in the process of converting some of our past projects into an easy to read, easy to understand format to be sold on our store page. If there's something you see that we don't have a plan available for, you can reach out via the contact page and we'll let you know when or if that plan will be finished.
I can buy "XYZ" at Target or IKEA for much less. Why is your work more expensive?"Yes, you probably can, and as the old adage goes, you get what you pay for. All Hazards Carpentry aims to build beautiful custom gifts and furniture that will last for generations. We don't use cheaply made hardware or veneered particle board in our pieces. We hope that you can see the value in a solid, well made piece the way we do.
How can I support All Hazards Carpentry?We are so excited that you would want to help us grow as a business! All Hazards Carpentry will never simply ask for or expect money for nothing, as it goes against our belief that growth and compensation are earned from quality work and effort. However, there are a few ways you can help us, listed below: - Buy our merch, plans, or pieces available in the online store. Your cost - Varies -Reach out to us directly for a custom piece of furniture or handmade item. Your cost - We'll figure that out during the planning phase -Like/Follow/Share us on Facebook and Instagram. This is the best way to see when we have new products available, or post updates about where we're at as a growing business. Your cost - FREE -Spread the word! This is currently the primary way we advertise. If you like what we do, and want to help us grow, tell your friends, family, teacher, neighbor, congressman, dog, fish, and anyone else you can think of about our business! Your cost - FREE -Give us feedback through our contact page. This can be feedback on our designs, products, website, anything. We will read every message sent to us, and reply as needed. Your cost - FREE -Use our Amazon Affiliate Link: This link will direct you to Amazon where you can shop just like normal. All Hazards Carpentry will earn a small commission based on the total of your checkout. It costs you nothing and will not affect the price of the items you put in your cart. Your cost - FREE(ish)
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